Manager’s Messages

Year #1 Tree Trimming – Scheduled for 2/6 – 2/14

Dear Altera Owners,

We would like to inform you of the upcoming tree trimming scheduled to take place from February 6th – February 14th, 2025 (excluding weekends). During this period, professional crews will be performing necessary maintenance to ensure the health and safety of the trees throughout our community.

For details regarding the specific locations of tree trimming, please refer to the attached map document. The document includes a legend and marked areas for the types of trees scheduled for maintenance, such as California Pepper, Eucalyptus, and Brazilian Pepper trees.

Important Notes:

-Please avoid parking near trees marked for trimming to ensure the safety of your vehicle and the efficiency of the crews.
-Temporary road closures or access restrictions may be required in certain areas during trimming hours.
-We appreciate your patience and cooperation as we work to maintain our community’s beauty and safety.

If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to reach out to management at your earliest convenience.

Thank you for your understanding and support!

Communications Survey (Deadline: 2/15/25)

Hello Alterra Residents,

The deadline for our communication survey has been extended to February 15, 2025. Please take a couple of minutes to fill out our short survey using this QR code to tell us how we can improve! Or, you can type in the tinyurl link below and it will take you directly to the survey as well. Be sure to include your email and property address on the the survey so your response can be counted. After February 15th, we will tabulate and share the results with you. We will then work on developing an improvement plan as needed.  

Thank you in advance for your participation!

Your Alterra Board of Directors

Herbicide / Insecticide Treatment Notice (February 2025)

Dear Alterra Residents,

Please be advised that herbicide and insecticide treatments will be applied throughout the community during the month of February. The scheduled spray day will be Tuesdays and signs will be placed around the community during the application to notify residents of the work in progress.

Here is a summary of the treatments that will be applied:

Weeds: Cheetah Pro, Fusilade II, No Foam A, Speedzone Southern EW
Insects: Sluggo, Talstar P, Merit 0.5 G
Pre-Emergents: Barricade, Dimension, Specticle G
Plant Growth: Atrimmec

For product details and safety precautions, you may refer to the links provided in the attached document. The document is also available for review on the Resident Portal under My Documents in the Bemus Landscape Notifications folder. Please exercise caution and avoid treated areas until the signage indicates it is safe to enter.

Thank you!

Herbicide / Insecticide Treatment Notice (January 2025)

Dear Alterra Residents,

Please be advised that herbicide and insecticide treatments will be applied throughout the community during the month of January. The scheduled spray day will be Tuesdays and signs will be placed around the community during the application to notify residents of the work in progress.

Here is a summary of the treatments that will be applied:

  • Weeds: Cheetah Pro, Fusilade II, No Foam A, Speedzone Southern EW
  • Insects: Sluggo, Talstar P, Merit 0.5 G
  • Pre-Emergents: Barricade, Dimension, Specticle G
  • Plant Growth: Atrimmec

For product details and safety precautions, you may refer to the links provided in the attached document. The document is also available for review on the Resident Portal under My Documents in the Bemus Landscape Notifications folder. Please exercise caution and avoid treated areas until the signage indicates it is safe to enter.


Landscape Rotation Map & Weekly Report (12/20/24)

Dear Alterra Owners,

This notice is to advise you of the weekly landscape report and the 4-week rotation schedule for landscape services in your community (see attached documents). A weekly report is sent out via email and owners can find this information and the rotation map on the Resident Portal under Documents > Weekly Landscape Reports.

  • Week #1 was serviced 12/2/24 – 12/6/24
  • Week #2 was serviced 12/9/24 – 12/13/24
  • Week #3 was serviced 12/16/24 – 12/20/24

Please be aware that the schedule may be subject to alteration based on weather conditions. In the event of inclement weather, such as heavy rain or extreme heat, adjustments may be necessary to protect the well-being of the landscaping team and to ensure the effectiveness of the services provided. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation during these rotations.


Management Team

Valerie Raboin|

Berlynn Espinoza |

Management Company

Action Property Management
Regional Office
1250 Corona Pointe Courte, Suite 404
Corona, CA 92879
p. 949-450-0202
f. 949-450-0303

Corporate Office
320 Commerce, Suite 200
Irvine, CA 92602
p. 949-450-0202
f. 949-450-0303