Manager’s Messages
Herbicide / Insecticide Treatment Notice (December 2024)
Dear Alterra Residents,
Please be advised that herbicide and insecticide treatments will be applied throughout the community during the month of December. The scheduled spray day will be Mondays and signs will be placed around the community during the application to notify residents of the work in progress.
Here is a summary of the treatments that will be applied:
- Weeds: Cheetah Pro, Fusilade II, No Foam A, Speedzone Southern EW
- Insects: Sluggo, Talstar P, Merit 0.5 G
- Pre-Emergents: Barricade, Dimension, Specticle G
- Plant Growth: Atrimmec
For product details and safety precautions, you may refer to the links provided in the attached document. The document is also available for review on the Resident Portal under My Documents in the Bemus Landscape Notifications folder. Please exercise caution and avoid treated areas until the signage indicates it is safe to enter.
28 Day Comment Period for Delinquent Assessment Collection Policy
Dear Alterra Residents,
During the Board Meeting on November 14th, the Board approved the Assessment Collection Policy for a 28-day community comment period. The proposed revised document removes specific fee amounts for items such as pre-liens and liens. The fees for these items are disclosed to owners through the annual budget mailer, which was recently mailed out. After the comment period, this revised version will be re-presented to the Board for final approval at the December 12th regular session meeting. Please log in to your Resident Portal to review this revised version.
We encourage you to review this document and share any questions or comments during this period. Your feedback is valuable and will be considered before the Board makes its final decision. Please submit any questions or comments to your Community Manager, Valerie Raboin, at
Thank you for your attention and participation!
Regular Session Board Meeting (November 14, 2024)
Hello Alterra Owners!
This is a courtesy reminder of the upcoming Board of Directors Meeting scheduled for Thursday, November 14, 2024 at 5:00pm. The meeting will be held at the Chino Hills Community Center (14250 Peyton Drive, Chino Hills, CA 91709). Attached to this email is the agenda for the regular session for your review which has also been posted on the community bulletin board.
We look forward to having you join us!
2024 Board of Directors Election Results
Dear Alterra Owners,
We are pleased to share the results of the 2024 Board of Directors Election held on Thursday, October 3, 2024. Thank you to everyone who participated in the election process.
Election Results:
Shelly Reel Slonsky – 219 votes – Elected
Daniel Vela – 199 votes – Elected
Richard Wojtasiak – 196 votes – Elected
Laura Montague – 71 votes – Not elected
IRS Ruling 70-604:
In favor: 209 votes
Opposed: 9 votes
Abstain: 3 votes
We appreciate your engagement in the election process! If you have any questions regarding the election results, please feel free to contact your community manager, Valerie Raboin, at
Regular Session Board Meeting (October 10, 2024)
Hello Alterra Owners!
This is a courtesy reminder of the upcoming Board of Directors Meeting scheduled for Thursday, October 10, 2024 at 6:00pm. The meeting will be held at the Chino Hills Community Center (14250 Peyton Drive, Chino Hills, CA 91709). Attached to this email is the agenda for the regular session for your review which has also been posted on the community bulletin board.
We look forward to having you join us!