Herbicide / Insecticide Treatment Notice (December 2024)

Posted By on November 26, 2024

Dear Alterra Residents,

Please be advised that herbicide and insecticide treatments will be applied throughout the community during the month of December. The scheduled spray day will be Mondays and signs will be placed around the community during the application to notify residents of the work in progress.

Here is a summary of the treatments that will be applied:

  • Weeds: Cheetah Pro, Fusilade II, No Foam A, Speedzone Southern EW
  • Insects: Sluggo, Talstar P, Merit 0.5 G
  • Pre-Emergents: Barricade, Dimension, Specticle G
  • Plant Growth: Atrimmec

For product details and safety precautions, you may refer to the links provided in the attached document. The document is also available for review on the Resident Portal under My Documents in the Bemus Landscape Notifications folder. Please exercise caution and avoid treated areas until the signage indicates it is safe to enter.

Management Team

Valerie Raboin| vraboin@actionlife.com

Berlynn Espinoza |bespinoza@actionlife.com

Management Company

Action Property Management
Regional Office
1250 Corona Pointe Courte, Suite 404
Corona, CA 92879
p. 949-450-0202
f. 949-450-0303

Corporate Office
320 Commerce, Suite 200
Irvine, CA 92602
p. 949-450-0202
f. 949-450-0303