28 Day Comment Period for Delinquent Assessment Collection Policy

Posted By on November 16, 2024

Dear Alterra Residents,

During the Board Meeting on November 14th, the Board approved the Assessment Collection Policy for a 28-day community comment period. The proposed revised document removes specific fee amounts for items such as pre-liens and liens. The fees for these items are disclosed to owners through the annual budget mailer, which was recently mailed out. After the comment period, this revised version will be re-presented to the Board for final approval at the December 12th regular session meeting. Please log in to your Resident Portal to review this revised version.

We encourage you to review this document and share any questions or comments during this period. Your feedback is valuable and will be considered before the Board makes its final decision. Please submit any questions or comments to your Community Manager, Valerie Raboin, at vraboin@actionlife.com.

Thank you for your attention and participation!

Management Team

Valerie Raboin| vraboin@actionlife.com

Berlynn Espinoza |bespinoza@actionlife.com

Management Company

Action Property Management
Regional Office
1250 Corona Pointe Courte, Suite 404
Corona, CA 92879
p. 949-450-0202
f. 949-450-0303

Corporate Office
320 Commerce, Suite 200
Irvine, CA 92602
p. 949-450-0202
f. 949-450-0303